

Jessica is studying Front Office Medical 政府 at Valencia. 她有机会 to intern with Florida Hospital Cancer Institute as an Office 支持 Specialist.


Tell us about your internship experience.
I had a wonderful experience with the Florida Hospital Cancer Institute.  我很紧张 and excited when I first walked through 设施的门, I did not know 会发生什么.  For the first couple weeks I would sit with one of the Office 支持 Specialists in the front training me to learn the systems that they use in the facility, showing me the inner workings of the office, and 会发生什么. 在那之后,我是 on my own, scheduling and working on paperwork to be sent or scanned into the system. I made sure that the doctors had all the information they needed before or after seeing 医院里的一个病人. 

What type of experiences and skills did you learn during your internship?
My classes at Valencia have prepared me for my future career. 当我踏入 the actual career 手 on, I've learned a tremendous amount of skills and information about the systems they use to schedule, insert patient information, such as insurances, physician notes, and adding tasks or journal notes. 我觉得自己好像和病人一样好 as the employees in the clinic counted on me every day, because I have to help get as much information as I need from patients. Each patient’s information was in my 手. I was responsible for their information being kept private due to HIPPA. 大多数 importantly, I made sure each patient knows that they are in the best care. 

What was the most important lesson you learned during your internship?
The most important lesson I've learned during my internship is giving myself confidence in what I do and realizing that I will be caring for each patient that walks through 设施的门. Also, working as a team is very important and being a part 团队成员 is like being family to each other. 

What advice would you offer to students about internships?
永远不要对自己失去信心. We are all learning new things every day. 这是 always a great idea to ask 问题 during your internship, even when you are unsure. Socialize in your work place get to know coworkers to create a healthy working environment 为了你自己和他人.

Were you offered a job with the organization at the end of your internship? 如果是这样, 你的新职位是什么?
Yes, I was offered a position as an Office 支持 Specialist.  我很感激 such an amazing internship advisor, a supportive team with my coworkers, who have helped me grow, and the wonderful opportunity I was given.



Karina is studying Interactive Design at Valencia. 她有机会 to intern with Florida Hospital as a Design Intern.


Tell us about your internship experience.
I loved working at Florida Hospital. They have such a visible brand around Orlando, so I was intimidated but excited to have the chance to work on something so well known. One of the main projects I worked on was the "Someday " billboards that you see along I-4. I had my own desk on the design floor, and I was assigned tasks to work on each day just like the other designers. I loved that it was always something different, from designing letterhead for one of the doctor’s offices to designing a t-shirt for 结肠癌宣传月! Everyone was very helpful, and I really felt like part 团队成员.

What type of experiences and skills did you learn during your internship?
While I’ve really honed my design skills at Valencia, I had no concept of how those skills could translate into a real world job. It was hard 对我来说 to imagine what a 设计工作的样子. At Florida Hospital, I got to see one example of how a major company manages their process. I saw how all the designers work together, and how a single project passes through so many 手. This was the most valuable lesson 对我来说. I got to use their project management software, and I got to see how a typical 设计团队协同工作.

What was the most important lesson you learned during your internship?
Like I said, just being part of a design team helped me visualize my future career. At school, we do projects alone and while we get feedback from our teachers and peers, you’re the only designer on that project. In the real world, it could be 4 different designers working on different steps of the design process. 现在我有了这样的经历 under my belt, I feel more confident walking into my first job as a designer.

What advice would you offer to students about internships?
不要害怕社交. "Networking " is such a scary word to me, but you can start by just chatting with your coworkers at your internship. 保持好奇,多问 问题. I took several opportunities to go to lunch with some people on the team, and it was a great way to get to know them a bit better and make those connections. You never know when they’ll have an opportunity for you!

Were you offered a job with the organization at the end of your internship? 如果是这样, 你的新职位是什么?
Unfortunately my internship site does not typically hire interns off the bat, but the creative director and my supervisor both offered to help me navigate the local 设计行业. That’s where I’m at now, applying to different positions and trying 找到一个合适的!